About Us

PASR (Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees) is an 80+ year old organization designed for the benefit of all school employees and any person who would enjoy being part of our organization. Our PASR design is:
To have a more interesting life in retirement
To have a nonpolitical presence in the State Legislature
To provide additional senior benefits
To help the homebound and senior retirees
To provide grants to active school employees
To provide travel opportunities
COME JOIN US! - Our chapter is not meeting until COVID-19 allows us to be in large groups.
Erie Chapter Important Dates
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have limited travel and in-person meeting dates.
Please check back at a later time for an updated schedule.
Become a member of PASR's Erie Chapter today! Download, complete and mail your application with your payment! If you have any questions, complete the Contact Us form below, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward to having you be a part of this worthwhile organization.
Join Our Chapter
To learn more about who can join PASR, click here.
Social Service Memorial Honor Fund
PASR’s Social Service Memorial Honor Fund (SSMHF) Committee is organized and prepared to help members in every local chapter of PASR across the state and in several chapters located outside of the Commonwealth. The Committee has more than 500 highly dedicated and caring volunteers prepared to assist any member of PASR who may find himself/herself in need of some form of assistance.